Kamis, 20 Januari 2011

Read Spoiler Naruto 524

Naruto 524 Spoiler Summaries
Credits: Ohana
Trans: Saladesuパラ見
黄ツチ組 ネジ組の下を白ゼツ数千体が通過
Ohana's looking for a BF
Haku dies
Zabuza dies
Kakashi countered edo tensei
From now Sai and root fight by using a fuuin
jutsu technique (probably)
underneath kitsuchi-team & neji-team is one
thousand of white zetsus
invisible man? vs gaara
Credits: Ohana
Trans: TH kun 心を無くした忍の刃!!
NARUTO 524 守るべきもの
カカシ (この子ごと俺を斬るつもりか)ここで波の国のハクの行動を思い出すカカ

マキ カカシ隊長!!
エンスイ 敵一人は影をくっつけた!二人目は影の接触時間が短すぎる!動きは止め
山中サンタ 接触時間って…!ザブザにカカシ隊長が斬られた事言ってんのか!?
カカシ 幼少ナルトとナルト大橋の帰り道の会話を思い出す
ナルト また Aランク任務やってやるってばよ!
カカシ ダメダメ!ザブザとハク…あれほどの強い忍相手に皆無事だったのが信じ
られないくらい だよ
ナルト え~~~~~
カカシ ま…もっと術覚えて修行して強くなってからだよ  Aランク任務なんての

ナルト んーー… それもだけど… 守りたいもんいっぱいみっけねーとな!
カカシ ん?
ナルト あのハクの兄ちゃんが言ってた …人ってのは大切な何かを守りたい時に
本当につよくな れるってよ!
カカシ …そっか…じゃあお前もそう思うのか?
ナルト うん…!ハクの兄ちゃんとザブザ見てから…そう思った
カカシ (にっこり笑う)
ナルト あのさあのさーあ …カカシ先生ってばよ  じゃあコレどう思う?
カカシ 何が?
カカシ お前達がナルトの最初の敵でよかった…
ザブザ構える カカシ印結んで雷切り準備
カカシ マキ指示するまでオレの後ろで布縛りの術の準備をしておけ!
マキ ハイ!
カカシ ザブザ…お前はあの時ハクを斬ることをためらった… そしてお前の内心
はハクの死による動揺を隠し きれなかった…
ザブザ、カカシにむかってくる カカシ、お腹が切れてて血が流れてる
カカシ だが今は違う!感情のない道具ってやつだ もう!こんな戦いは無しにしよ
幼少ナルト あのさあのさーあ… カカシ先生ってばよ じゃあコレってどう思
カカシ 何が?
ナルト うん あいつら敵だったけど… なんかさなんかさ… オレあいつら好き
カカシ …!
ナルト これっておかしいかなあ?
カカシ 微笑みながら フフ…
カカシ (いや… オレもだよ)
カカシ エンスイ!縛れェ!!
エンスイ 合図だ!!よし!ハッ
カカシ (お前らの死にざまと涙は… お互いの絆そのものだったよ…)
カカシ 俺にも忍として守るべき門が色々ある
カブト、オセロ盤見ながら …! …くそ…
カカシ ザブザとハクこいつらの死にざまもその一つだ こいつらの最期の敵はオレ
だったんだからな… ナル ト…お前はどう思う?
ザブザの刀に血がしたたる ハク血の涙を流してる
カカシ マキやれ
忍 A !こ…これは
忍B 霧が晴れていく… よし!これで敵を目視できる!
マキ、ザブザとハクを布でぐるぐる そして封印術?する
マキ この札がある限り口寄せはできません!この二体は私が監視しておきます!
カカシ 穢土転生…この術は許せない…!サイ次はお前の根の封印術を使う!俺に
続け!(ザブザの刀、カカシ が持ってる)
サイ で…でもあの術はボクはまだ…
カカシ ダンゾウがお前を買っていたのは確かだろう!?もう感情を抑える必要は無
い!! ま…オレも熱くな るまで時間のかかる方だが…
今回は久しぶりに沸点が低かった 千の術をコピーしたコピー忍者のカカシ…!こ
れより通りの名の通り暴れる !
白ゼツ ネジ羽交い絞めにする
ネジ 数が多すぎる!(こいつら…チャクラを吸い取るのか…)柔拳法一撃
キバ 次から次へとキリがねえーぜ!
ネジ 泣きごとはいい動け!
シノ 一体一体が強く しつこい!これでは消耗戦になる
忍 C 黄ツチ隊長!本部から連絡!数千体が我々の足元を通りぬけたそうです!
黒ツチ オヤジ!
黄ツチ うるさい!!わかっとる!
包帯ぐるぐる巻き透明男(二代目土影無(ムウ)) 砂の感知… 接触タイプか…
 二代目土影 無の存在をよ くぞとらえたな
ガアラ 来たな…
次号 ガアラが見た 驚きの猛者とは…!?
Naruto Chapter 524: Something to protect.
Zabuza tries to cut Kakashi through Haku. Kakashi
thinks, 'He's gonna cut me through the boy?' and
recalls what Haku did back then in the country of
Maki: Kakashi-taichou!
Ensui Contact with one enemy 's shadow! And
time of contact with the second is too short, I
can 't stop that enemy from moving!
Santa: You want to say Zabuza attacked Kakashi-
taichou?! Impossible!
Kakashi remembers a conversation that he had
with the little Naruto on the way back from the
Naruto bridge. Naruto wants another A rank
mission, Kakashi refuses until Naruto gets
stronger. Naruto says that Haku said one gets
trully strong when protecting something dear,
Naruto agrees with this statement, then asks
Kakashi what he thinks about (what about is
revealed later).
The present Edo Tensei-ed Haku falls and starts to
crumble away. Kakashi says, he 's glad they were
Naruto's first opponents. Zabuza's ready to attack
him. Kakashi makes seals for Raikiri and orders
Maki to get ready and wait for his signal. Then
Kakashi says, recalling the past again, 'That time
you hesitated to cut through Haku and wasn't
able to hide how his death affected you…' Zabuza
draws closer, Kakashi (he's injured in the
stomach) continues, 'But now's different. You're
just a tool robbed of your feelings! So I'm gonna
end this fight here and now!'
The flashback continues. Naruto asks if it's wierd
that he liked Zabuza and Haku despite them being
the enemies. Kakashi chuckles and thinks that he
did too.
Kakashi pierces Zabuza's heart with his Raikiri.
Then shouts for Ensui to bind the shadows.
Zabuza starts crumbling down. Kakashi 's
thought, 'Your tears and the way you died… it
was the bond you shared.' Then speaks outloud,
'I have a lot of things to protect as a shinobi'.
Kabuto curses over his board, 'Damn!'
Kakashi continues, 'Zabuza and Haku's death is
one of those things too… Because I was the one
to kill them. Naruto, you would think so too,
wouldn 't you?'
Zabuza's blood drips onto the sword, and Haku
cries bloody tears. Haku's mirrors break away.
Kakashi gives Maki the signal. The mist clears
away. Maki wraps Zabuza and Haku in his cloth,
makes seals and says that now the two can 't be
summmoned and he will guard them. Kakashi
now has Zabuza 's sword in hand and says that
Edo Tensei is an unforgivable jutsu, then orders
Sai to use the Root sealing jutsu so the
momentum is not lost. Sai stammers that he
can 't yet use that jutsu. Kakashi then reassures
him, 'Danzou thought highly of you! No need to
restrain your feelings anymore! Well, it takes me
long too to get psyched up enough, though …'
And so, Kakashi who reaches his boiling point
quickly this time around, lives up to his name of
Copy Ninja Kakashi who copied a thousand
jutsus …
Sorry, not the whole thing, because I so don't feel
like typing anymore, and in a summary-like
style … but you get the gist, ne?
Gaara is fighting Nidaime Tsuchikage, by the way.
An invisible man in bandages (Nidaime
Tsuchikage Muu): Sand? So he 's the contact type
then? Impressive that you were able to realize my
(Nidaime Tsuchikage Muu 's) existence…
Gaara: Enemy showed up, I see.
Naruto 524 info: Mangetsu Hōzuki was a
member of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the
Mist and the older brother of Suigetsu Hōzuki.
Mangetsu has relatively long white hair and
pointed, shark-like teeth, a trait that all known
members of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the
Mist possess. He wears an outfit very similar to
his brother's, which consists of a dark sleeveless
shirt, light colored pants and striped leg-warmers
typical of his village. Like his brother, he carries a
water bottle in a belt around his waist. He wears
bandages around his neck, another trait shared
by the seven swordsmen, and a standard
Kirigakure forehead protector. Overall, Mangetsu
and Suigetsu bear great resemblance to one
another. Both Mangetsu and Suigetsu trained with
the intention of becoming members of the Seven
Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist together. This
dream acted as their motivation for them both to
complete cruel missions day by day. Mangetsu
was the first to become a member of the Seven
Swordsmen, mastering all seven of the swords
before his death. His premature death seemingly
demotivated Suigetsu.

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