Bleach 428 Spoiler Summaries
Verification: Confirmed
Source: 2ch, MH
Credits: ohana, saladesu
6 :ohana ◆IR7jauNn4E :2010/11/24(水) 16:20:40
銀城空吾 ぎんじょうくうご。
一人は女で名前リルカ 見た目はメイドの格好してる
もう一人男 ヒツジの格好してて右目眼帯 名前は沓澤
銀城 お前は家族のことを何も知らない〜〜〜〜
苺 ????
銀城 裏腹商店にいってみな〜〜〜〜
裏腹 お兄さんは変わらずですか?
カリン 今のままでいいんだ〜〜〜いちにいはずっと一人で戦ってきた〜〜〜
苺 影から
The name of the guy with the his hair swept back
is Ginjou Kuugo.
Ginjou is in a 3-man team
One person is a woman name Riruka - she
wears a maid outfit
Another one is a guy, his name is Kutsuzawa (TN:
no reading given, may be wrong) and he has a
eyepatch over his right eye and dresses like a
butler (TN: ohana typed sheep but that doesn 't
make sense, so I'm guessing she meant shitsuji
not hitsuji)
Ginjou: You don't know anything about your
Ichigo: ????
Ginjou: Why don't you go by the Urahara Store
and see~~~
Urahara and Karin are having a conversation that
doesn 't seem to be going anywhere
Urahara: Is your brother the same as before?
Karin: He 's fine the way he is now~~~ Ichi-nii had
always been fighting alone~~~
Ichigo appears from the shadows: Why is Karin
coming out of the Urahara Store …
Note: orihime appearance, Orihime is a teenager
of average height. She has brown eyes and long,
waist-length burnt orange hair. Her most
noticeable physical trait is her surprisingly
curvaceous figure for a teenager, especially in
terms of her large breasts. She wears her hair in
bangs tucked behind her ears with hairpins,
which she only removes to sleep, as they are
worn in the memory of her brother. Orihime
initially wears her hair with a full but parted fringe
before pulling most of her bangs behind her ears
as she was ready to leave for Soul Society, a
change noted by Tatsuki. Seventeen months after
Aizen's defeat, Orihime doesn't wear her hair clips
and her bangs frame her face without them.
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